Our intent:
We aim for all children at St Alban’s to enjoy and excel in mathematics, through a mastery approach, which allows them to access an engaging and practical curriculum. This allows them to develop their fluency, reasoning and understanding and encourages them to always to learn more, do more and remember more. Our aspiration is that all children will feel confident in applying their knowledge in a range of situations, to solve problems and reason about number, and that they will have the vocabulary that enables them to speak confidently about their maths. All stakeholders will share in our vision and understand how they can best support our children in their learning.
To enable this to happen…
all staff have high expectations of all learners and promote a ‘can do’ mindset to encourage children to achieve all that they can in maths
we encourage children to make meaningful links between their learning in maths, their everyday lives and their learning in other subjects, e.g. use of graphs in Science.
all children are given the opportunity to achieve mastery in maths through Quality First Teaching, where practical, engaging and enjoyable lessons are provided, that use a range of resources and strategies to support learning.
the importance of vocabulary will be recognised by staff and pupils, through the use of stem sentences and accurate language, that will help all learners to effectively articulate their understanding.
mistakes and misconceptions are valued and used as an opportunity to develop learning, through our Growth Mindset approach.
to ensure progression and a mastery approach through school, all classes from Reception to Year 6 follow White Rose Maths, while staff also access NCETM to support planning and teaching, which deepens teacher knowledge and allows us to better adapt White Rose resources to suit our children, including sometimes making small steps smaller.
the Mastering Number programme will be used from Reception to Year 3 (with children who did not reach the expected standard in Year 2 this year) to support early development of number confidence and quick recall of key facts.
learning environments are conducive to learning, promoting a positive attitude to learning in the subject and a growth mindset approach for all learners.
CPD will be provided, both in-house and through the Maths Hub, to develop staff confidence and to further our Mastery journey.
the Number Stacks programme will be used for intervention from Years 1-6. This is a clearly-structured and progressive programme, which is well-resourced. It allows us to fill gaps in learning, with a focus on key objectives that children will need to take their learning forward.
As a result of this…
children will leave our school as confident mathematicians, who can apply their skills across a range of situations.
we aim for most children to reach end of year expectations and for all children to make good progress from their starting points.
children are becoming more able and willing to reason about number verbally and use mathematical vocabulary to express their understanding.
children are positive about maths in learning walks and pupil voice and can explain how they use practical resources to develop their understanding and how they value mistakes as part of their learning.