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- Year 5 Basketball
On Friday evening some of our year 5 pupils took part in the Hoops 4 Health competition, at the Newcastle Eagles Arena. They were successful in the semi-finals which meant they got to play in the final. This took place during the Eagles match at half time. It was a great experience being able to play in front of a crowd and on a full size basketball court. The final went down to a shoot out and St Alban's won! Congratulations to everyone who took part.
- Great Athletes Event
We have had a great afternoon with Lucy Turner. All of our classes have taken part in a fitness circuit with Lucy. Our nursery and reception children started trying out the exercises. The rest of the school took part in a fitness circuit. The children were amazing and gave each exercise 100%. We finished the day with an assembly. We found out all about Lucy and how she became a GB heptathlete. Thanks to everyone for a great afternoon.
- Jubilee Launch Day
Friday 24th January marked the launch of the Jubilee Year of Hope in our schools. Our church has a Jubilee every 25 years and it is a time when Catholics renew their relationship with God through prayer, reflection and action. In school our Mini Vinnies delivered an assembly telling us all about the Jubilee Year of Hope. When leaving the hall we were all given our CAFOD prayer and sticker. We left through our own Jubilee door. In the afternoon, as house groups, we took part in a pilgrimage of prayer around our school. This involved travelling to different prayer stations in our classrooms. Father Jonathon joined us on our journey and completed tasks with us. Here is a selection of some of our work. Here, we thought about the storms in our lives and how God gives us hope. At this station, we gave thanks for the blessings in our lives and the doors God opens for us. We coloured pause buttons to remind us in our busy lives to take time to stop and reflect on what is important. We all chose and held a stone and thought about our hopes and dreams for the future. We placed it on a path and asked God to guide us on our journey through life. At this station we looked at a variety of doors and thought about who might be behind them. We all wrote a prayer. We made chains of hope by writing the names of people who give us hope and prayers for people who are in need of hope. We will continue our faith journey throughout this year with a series of events. We will keep you updated on our progress.
- Small School County Champions
Well done to our year 5/6 football team who after winning the small school county championship last night will go on to represent the county in the next round.
- Year 6 Art
Year 6 have been exploring techniques for creating different tonal values. We have used charcoal and graphite materials, and also experimented with hatching and gradients for different effects. We aim to use these tones to create varying shadows on a collaged self-portrait.
- House Captains
In the last week, all of our Year 6 children were invited to put themselves forward to become a house captain. House captaincy is a responsible role that requires dedication and we are very proud of our Year 6 children, who all stood up in front of their whole house group, and gave a speech to describe their own leadership qualities. It was also very pleasing to see the children highlighting values of ‘caring for others’ and ‘setting a good example around school’ as key qualities of a captain. We have worked on the writing and delivering of speeches in class, but the children all deserve special merit for the effort they have put in at home as well. Well done all of Year 6! We are all very proud to celebrate: Abigail and Godswill; Joe and Maria; Zachary and Alana; Arianne and Harry; Deyana and Oliver; and Maddison and Mason, as our new House Group captains 24/25 of: St Francis, St Anthony, St Aiden, St Bede, St Cuthbert and St Oswald Houses.
- Science: Reflecting Light
To explore (and demonstrate) how light travels, and is reflected, we made periscopes out of some safety mirrors and some cereal boxes that we had collected. It was lots of fun to get creative but we had to show strong resilience, as many of our models were unsuccessful the first time around. Like many scientists, we had to go back to the drawing board and adjust our experiments, to allow for successful results.
- Digital Safety and Social Media Workshop
Year 6 took part in a workshop this week, that reminded us of the dangers of using things like apps and online gaming. We covered such thangs as: age restrictions and appropriate behaviour on social media – what we should and shouldn’t share; that the age of criminal responsibility in the UK is 10 years old – meaning we have a responsibility to make wise choices; and what to do if we see something that we know is wrong. It was a very informative afternoon. We will continue to remind ourselves of key ways to keep ourselves safe online throughout the year.
- Year 5 Celebration of the Word
Our Year 5 children leading our weekly class Celebration of the Word.
- Catholic Life in Year 5
As well as enjoying saying a decade of the Rosary each day during October, Year 5 children continue to lead Celebration s of the Word in class.
- Year 2 Home Learning - 20th September
Good Morning Year 2, we have missed you in school today but hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather. Here are some more fun learning activities for Friday 20th September. Maths: Sumdog Use your log in details in the front of your reading record to log into Sumdog Maths – complete the activities on Place Value – More than and fewer than. Extra challenge – in your red exercise book write some two-digit numbers in numerals and words E.g. 23 = twenty-three English: Simple sentences Look carefully at the seaside picture. Write down the words and phrases that describe the seaside. Don’t forget to use a capital letter for the start of each sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end of each sentence. Extra challenge: Write some sentences to describe the seaside image. Spelling: Sumdog There are 5 more trickier ‘Red Words’ to learn to spell on Sumdog Spellings. Write these in your exercise book. Art: Observational drawing Find something from nature to sketch. Don’t forget to add detail and try some shading too. You might sketch a branch, a flower, a leaf or tree.
- Year 3 Home Learning - Friday 20th September
I hope you all enjoyed Thursday’s tasks. Below is some work that I have attached for you to complete, whilst you are learning at home. Maths: Watch the Hundreds video below: Have a go at these questions: English: L.O. I can use the verb ‘to be’. Read the sentences, then add the correct form of the verb ‘to be’. History: L.O. I can research from secondary sources. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z883g7h#zthtp4j Go to the Skara Brae BBC Bitesize website and look at the information and pictures. There’s also a video to watch. Use the information make notes in the table below.