At St Alban’s our Geography curriculum is ambitious, skills based and knowledge-rich. Geography lessons inspire children to be curious citizens; developing locational knowledge, human geography, physical geography, map skills, field work and their ability to think like geographers.
Our overview is carefully designed and illustrates the extensive coverage of the curriculum which is inter-woven with a bespoke progression of knowledge, skills and themes to take our children beyond the National Curriculum. Throughout the year and across the phases, pupils are able to build upon pre-existing learning by revisiting certain areas of study and experience new learning to enable pupils to consolidate new skills and knowledge.
Our Geography units are designed to develop the children's understanding of their place in the world and within their local and wider community whilst also developing their ability to think like a geographer when asking and answering geographical questions. Each topic links directly to Geography knowledge, building on existing skills and understanding to ensure that learning is progressive and continuous.