We teach Religious Education in line with the official syllabus in the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle and use the 'Come and See' scheme of work throughout our school.
Religious Education is taught discretely and developmentally.
We engage with their own and others beliefs and values to help them develop good attitudes.
We teach the pupils to engage with difficult questions and offer the children a strong sense of self worth.
Within the Mission Statement of our school, it is clear that the whole ethos of the school and all of the aspects of the school reflect the Gospel values that are taught through the Catholic faith. Such teachings direct us to believe that we are all 'children of God' and that we live by the central directive given by Jesus that, 'We love our neighbour'.
The statements of the Curriculum Guidelines can and should be implemented within the framework of the ‘Come and See’ Religious Education Programme. At St Alban’s, there are also other opportunities both within the R.E. framework and across all aspects of the school curriculum to enquire, explore and express views and personal faith. They are given opportunities to be open, fair, inclusive and tolerant and through this, our children learn to understand the world from other points of view and perspectives.
As a school community we expect everyone involved in the school; pupils, parents, governors and staff; to 'enjoying and excelling in the presence of God’. The opportunity to listen, understand and work together for the good of all is a key principle of the school.
To view the content of our 'Come and See' school curriculum in each academic year click here for more details.